︎ London, UK 

Joe Burrows

Joe Burrows is a documentary photographer and visual researcher with an interest in the nuclear anthropocene. His practice utilises open-source intelligence, archives, satellite imagery and deep research practices to visualise the post-atomic era and the power structures and technologies that enabled and perpetuate it.

Find me completing my MA at The Centre for Research Architecture.
Open to commissions and interesting opportunities.

︎ Jump to Project ︎︎︎


︎ Jump to Zines︎︎︎

Joe Burrows
Shop Zines ︎︎︎

ISO 668 


︎︎︎ Containerisation
︎︎︎ Logistics
︎︎︎ Speculation
︎︎︎ New Topographics

A self published zine on former Dagenham Sunday Market, soon to be part of the Barking Riverside housing development.

A photographic survey of logistical infrastructure languishing in the wake of new forms of speculative financialisation.

Open edition, first published 2024.


15 x 21 cm
24 pages
Staple Bound